Three Walls on Wednesdays Art Project Three Walls on Wednesdays Art Project Three Walls on Wednesdays Art Project

Sven Frøkjær-Jensen : Kid Playing, Tracks, modified-photo

April 20 & April 27, 2011

Tracks - Ephemeral and Fragile
by Sven Frøkjær-Jensen

By collecting tracks on canvas from the pedestrians and other passing traffic in different habitats in Slagelse, Denmark, the process is frozen in time and preserved in photos and video.  Behind lies the quest for the understanding of the many arrivals and farewells of our existence - and the eternal question of what is left behind.

The canvas is cut and altered, and by preserving and exhibiting it with the photos in warped forms, it is, in a strange way, transformed into a token - or a fetish - and stays closely related to the moment that it was created.  A moment that otherwise would be drowned like tears in rain.  The collecting of tracks is chosen because of the inner beauty of the concept, and because it is so well related to the magnificent idea of 3///3 walls.

Take care of your tracks - they might even follow you.

See also: G. Seferis: The King of Asine, and R. Browning: A Toccata of Galuppi's.

Greek - Ελληνικά

Sven Frøkjær-Jensen

Sven Frøkjær-Jensen